Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Review for Test on 2/19


World Cultures Review Packet


Multiple Choice

1.     Which was the central purpose of South Africa’s apartheid policy?

  1. Conflict resolution
  2. Division of labor
  3. Racial segregation
  4. Sustainable development

2.     How did the apartheid policy affect Asians and blacks in South Africa?

A.    It forced them to leave the country

B.    It gave them fewer rights than blacks

C.    It treated them as the equals of whites

D.    It restricted their rights and opportunities


3.     How did the end of apartheid affect the distribution of political power in South Africa?

A.    Whites continued to control the government

B.    Blacks and Asians refused to vote in elections

C.    Whites left the country rather than give up power to blacks.

D.    Blacks gained control of the government through free elections


4.     Who benefited from Apartheid?




Jerusalem is a stumbling block in the Middle East peace process because it holds religious sites sacred to ____________ and _____________________.


_____________________ is the father of Islam, Christianity, and Judaism.


Followers of __________________ fast during Ramadan and pray 5 times a day.


Easter and Christmas is celebrated by followers of __________________________.


Followers of ____________________ live life according to the Torah

Word Bank:

_______________ Sacred book of teachings is the Koran


_______________ Sacred book of teachings is the Bible


_______________ Believers must make a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in their lives


_______________ Holy Days include Hanukah


_______________ Founder is Muhammad


_______________ Place of worship is synagogue


_______________ Worship in a mosque


Word Bank
Monotheism                Suez Canal
Rebel                           Sahel
Aswan Dam                Sahara
__________________The belief in only one god


__________________A person who opposes authority


__________________A structure built to control the flooding of the Nile


__________________A transportation corridor built to make travel easier between the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea 


__________________A semiarid region south of the Sahara


__________________The largest desert in the world




Explain the difference between push and pull factors.  Give one example of each for Africa.




Define the African Slave Trade and how it affected the culture and life of the people in Africa.





Explain the Arab/Israeli Conflict in your own words.





How is Nelson Mandela important to the history of South Africa?





Compare and contrast the Aswan Dam and the Suez Canal using a Venn Diagram.  Consider your CHEGGs.


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