Friday, May 8, 2015

World Cultures 5/11-15

Activities/Lesson Sequence


1. Japan's Customs

1. Japan's Population density
2. Review assignment for test due before test on Wednesday

1. Asia Test

1. Adapt a locker project begins

1. Adapt a locker project ends


Monday, May 4, 2015

Inside North Korea Homework - due 5/7

Name _______________________

Inside North Korea

Few foreigners are allowed into Communist North Korea.  On a rare visit by a Westerner, our JS reporter found a land in which many people are quietly suffering.

At 7am sharp, the day begins with a crackling noise from the city’s loudspeakers.  Patriotic speeches and war songs, with titles like “Little Tank Rushes Forward,” fill the streets.  Such propaganda provides the daily wake-up call for the citizens of Najin, North Korea.   At 7:15, the city’s electricity is turned on, if there is enough fuel that day. 

Gu, 13, says she likes the morning music.  “It gives me energy and a sense of purpose, and reminds me of what I need to do to help make my country great.”  Gu is in the fifth grade at Rasin Primary School, one of the best schools in the city.  To attend Rasin, kids must earn top grades; 700 hard-working students are enrolled there.

“Every month we must take an exam and then are ranked in our class according to the exam scores,” says Gu.  “There is a big board where the results of the exam are posted, and we have our pictures posted with our rank for everyone to see.  I am in the highest level.”

School begins at 8am.  Students line up in the front yard to exercise and parade in unison.   After these morning drills, the kids march single file into class.  The building’s halls are lined with murals depicting the military history of North Korea.  Many paintings show Korean soldiers smashing the heads of their enemies, most of whom are American and Japanese soldiers.

In class, the students study math, science, languages, history, citizenship, and literature until noon.  From 2 to 6pm, they take part in mandatory school activities, such as sports and the performing arts.  Soccer and chorus are the most popular activities among the kids.  “When I grow up, I want to be a professional soccer player,” says 12-year-old Rhee, echoing the wish of many boys here.  “But in case I do not qualify, I am studying hard to be an engineer, like my father.”

At Rasin, students perform well and the image of North Korea they portray is a pleasant one.  However, this is just one picture of life inside North Korea.  In this Communist country, where the government tightly controls all aspects of life, conditions are extremely difficult.  An estimated 2 million North Koreans have died of starvation since the early 1990’s.  A combination of natural disasters, including floods and drought, economic sanctions (trade restrictions) by the United States and other countries, and disastrous government policies have led to this deprivation.

Most North Koreans, who consume very little protein or fat, suffer from dietary deficiencies.  Fresh vegetables and fruit are scarce, and meat, fish, and eggs are luxuries.  According to the United Nations World Food Program, the average 7-year-old North Korean boy is 8 inches shorter and about 22 pounds lighter than a boy of the same age in South Korea.

From 1910 until the end of World War II, the Korean Peninsula was a Japanese colony.  After Japan’s defeat in 1945, Korea was divided.  The Soviet Union controlled the North, and the U.S. occupied the South.  Separate governments were formed in 1948.  Since then, North Korea has had only three leaders, Kim Il Sung, who died in 1994, and his son Kim Jong II who died in 2011, now his son Kim Jong Un.

In 1950, North Korean troops invaded South Korea.  U.S. and United Nations forces defended South Korea against the North and its Communist allies – the Soviet Union and China.  After three years of fighting, a truce (cease-fire) was declared.  No permanent peace treaty has ever been signed.  Today, the U.S. is concerned about North Korea’s development of nuclear weapons.  In 2003, the Bush administration opened a dialogue with North Korea and its neighbors in an effort to pressure the country to halt its weapons program.  Since then, North Korean officials have sent mixed signals about their willingness to participate in the talks. 

On the streets of Najin, the feeling is one of desolation.  When government loud-speakers are not broadcasting speeches and patriotic music, an eerie silence falls over the city.  Since few people can afford cars, goods are typically transported on carts pulled by oxen or by people.  Electricity is available only from 7:15am until 6:30pm.  The rest of the time, darkness envelops the city, and almost no one goes outside.  Winters are long and very cold, with no fuel for heating except wood.

Many young teens, forced to help support their families, cannot attend school.  At a factory in Sunbong, an industrial zone just north of Najin, girls spend long days stitching garments.  Most make $2 to $4 (U.S.) a month.  The legal working age is 15, but some girls in the factory appear to be much younger.

It is difficult to know how most North Korean teens feel about their lives.  Foreign visitors to the country must have government escorts with them at all times, and are allowed to visit only areas that the government wants them to see.  Foreigners are not permitted to talk with ordinary North Koreans.

Speaking against the government is strictly forbidden.  According to many human-rights organizations, the North Korean government is holding about 200,000 political prisoners in camps, where forced labor practices and torture are common.

At Rasin, students routinely perform for foreign visitors and government officials.  Their voices are sweet as they sing songs about Kim Jong Il.  And their smiles are enhanced by bright lipstick.  Yet a visitor can’t help but notice how tiny and frail they seem when compared with kids in the U.S.  Despite patriotism, these young people display, it seems clear that many North Koreans are barely surviving.

Junior Scholastic:  February 7, 2005


Reading Questions:

1.     List three words or phrases that describe life in North Korea.


2.     How are North Korean schools different than American schools?



3.    Why might the government play propaganda such as speeches and music over loudspeakers in the city?


4.     Who are North Korea’s allies?


5.     Circle one:  North Koreans (ARE/ARE NOT) allowed to speak out against their government.


6.     Why would the government not want foreigners to talk to ordinary citizens?



7.     Describe the health of North Korean citizens.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

World Cultures 5/4-8

Activities/Lesson Sequence


1. Korea History

1. North and South Korea
2. Korean Homework due Thursday

1. Japan
2. Map of Japan

1. Tsunamis
2. Homework due today!

1. Asian culture and history centers - Day 1


Wednesday, April 22, 2015

World Cultures 4/27-5/1

Activities/Lesson Sequence


1. Made in China

1. Test Review activity

1. Test

1. Korean History

1. North vs South Korea


China Test Review - Test 4/29

China Review for test on 4/29


1)    Describe the following religions with at least 3 separate thoughts.




2)    The Himalayans are a type of what? Transportation _______________


3)    What is the purpose of the Great Wall of China?



4)    Why is the Great Wall of China more of an economic factor in China than a military factor?


5)    Choose 3 inventions that were invented by China and explain how they impact society?



6)    China has a _______________ type of government and economy.


7)    Describe a Communist Government in two statements




8)    What did the students protest for at Tiananmen Square?


9)    Why did the Chinese government not allow protesting at Tiananmen Square?





10)                       What is the Silk Road?


11)                       Name 3 things that were exchanged along the Silk Road?



12)                       Why was the Three Gorges Dam built?


13)                       What 2 advantages does the Three Gorges Dam provide?



14)                       What 2 disadvantages does the Three Gorges Dam provide?


15)                       Why did China setup the 1 baby policy?



16)                       Why do families in China prefer to have boys instead of girls?


17)                       Define the following terms in your own words:



a.     Education –


b.     Healthcare –



c.      Arable -

Sunday, April 19, 2015

World Cultures 4/20-25

Activities/Lesson Sequence


1. Recap of the Three Gorges Dam
2. HEI Impact Articles



1. Tiananmen Square

1. 1 Baby Policy

*** Test next Wednesday***

Thursday, April 9, 2015

World Cultures 4/13-17

Activities/Lesson Sequence


1.Begin Unit on China
2. History of China

1. Great Wall of China
2. Homework over China due thursday

1. Chinese Inventions

1. Significance of the Silk Road
2. Homework Due

1. 3 Gorges Dam
2. Quiz over China

Monday, April 6, 2015

Test Review for exam on 4/7

Name: _____________                                                                 

5th 6 Weeks Review Sheet


1. What is a subcontinent?



2. Which mountain range separates the subcontinent from the rest of Asia?



This is an example of a transportation _____________________.




3. What is reincarnation?




4. What religion believes in reincarnation?




5. ___________________ is the major religion in India.



6. What is the caste system? How did it affect daily life?



7. The people on the very bottom of the Caste system were called ________________________. How did Gandhi feel about this group of people?




8. _____________________ is the ancient book of hymns that the Hindus use.



9. The Hindu festival celebrated every August is called _________________________________.



10. Which country colonized India? Why?



11. ___________ ______________ is the father of India. He is also known as



“Mahahtma” which means __________ ____________.



12. Boycotting British items in India was an example of ______________ _____________________.




13.  What did Gandhi, Martin Luther King & Nelson Mandel all have in common?



14. Which two religious groups have conflict in India?



15. The ____________________________________ is a mausoleum built by an emperor to honor his wife. It took ________________________ workers and _______________ years to build it.


16. What is causing the “marble cancer” on the Taj Mahal & other famous


buildings & monuments in India? 



17. What are the effects of overpopulation in India?



18. Give 3 reasons that there is pollution in the Ganges River.



19. How does the unsanitary water affect the Indian people?




20. What is a Renewable Resource? Give two examples.




21. What is a Nonrenewable Resource? Give two examples.




22. Describe Apartheid in Africa.




23. List a cause for the following Problems in Africa-

  • Desertification-


  • Endangered animals-


  • Disease-


  • Famine (hunger)-


24. What are some results of desertification?



World Cultures 4/6-4/10

Activities/Lesson Sequence


1.Review Packet for tomorrow's exam
2. Review homework due before tomorrow's exam

1. Test over 5th grading period - Africa to India and East Asia Religions
2. You better turn in that review before today's exam.

1. Begin Country Project
2. Research day

1. Continue Country Project
2. Begin to use cereal boxes

1. Finalize Country Projects
2. Finish cereal boxes to be graded.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Country Project - Please Bring

Coming up soon we will have a fun project that will need something unique for our classtime. If you have an empty cereal box please bring it to class beginning on Tuesday March 31st. This project will be several days long starting during the 2nd week of April.

Thank you!

World Cultures 3/30-4/3

Activities/Lesson Sequence


1.Beginning of our Religion's of the East Week
2. Buddhism/Taoism-Daoism

1. Testing day and so extended college prep schedule for most classes
2. 8th period continue notes on Taoism-Daoism
3. No Homework this week

1. Confucism

1. Social Studies Skills Packet

1. Holiday - Good Friday

Friday, March 20, 2015

Flipped Class - Ganges River

Follow the link to hear information and learn a little about the Ganges River.

Overpopulation in India Homework due 3/26

Overpopulation in India

India suffers from the problem of overpopulation.  The population of India is very high at an estimated 1.2 billion.  Though India ranks second in population, it ranks 33 in terms of population density below countries such as The NetherlandsSouth Korea and JapanIndira Gandhi, Prime Minister of India, implemented a forced sterilization program in the early 1970s but the program failed.  Officially, men with two children or more had to submit to sterilization, but many unmarried young men, political opponents and ignorant, poor men were also believed to have been sterilized. This program is still remembered and criticized in India, and is blamed for creating a public dislike of family planning.  This has caused problems for the government for decades. 
One-third of India's population (about the size of the United States) lives below the poverty line, and India is home to one-third of the world's poor people.

Though the upper class has improved as a result of recent positive economic developments, India suffers from substantial poverty.  According to the 2005 World Bank data, India has 456 million people (41.6% of its population) living below the new international poverty line of $1.25 (PPP) per day. The World Bank further estimates that 33% of the world’s poor now reside in India. Moreover, 75.6% of the Indian population lives below $2 a day, compared to 72.2% for Sub-Saharan Africa.

Wealth distribution in India is fairly uneven, with the top 10% of income groups earning 33% of the income. Despite significant economic progress, 1/4 of the nation's population earns less than the $0.40/day. Official figures estimate that 27.5% of Indians lived below the national poverty line in 2004–2005. A 2007 report found that 25% of Indians, or 236 million people, lived on less than 20 rupees per day with most working in "informal labor sector with no job or social security, living in abject poverty."

Use the reading and your knowledge of India to answer the following questions:

1.        How many people live in India?


2.       India is the ________ largest country in the world.

3.      What happened that caused Indians to dislike the idea of family planning?


4.      What percentage of Indians live below the poverty line?


5.      What percentage of the world’s poor live in India?


6.      ¼ of Indians earn below ___________ a day.

Critical Thinking:

7.      Predict and list at least two short-term problems that India might face as a result of their crowded conditions.


8.      Predict and list at least two long-term problems that India might face as a result of their crowded conditions.


9.       Why might India’s overpopulation be a concern for other countries?


10.   In your opinion, how should India go about solving their problem of overpopulation?