Friday, March 6, 2015

Africa/Indian Test Review - due on 3/17

Africa and India Review Sheet

1      Explain a cause for each of the problems in Africa below…

Endangered Animals


2.  Compare and contrast Apartheid and the Caste System.





3.    What is the difference between a limited and unlimited government?




4.    Who is Gandhi, and why is he significant? 



5.    How did Gandhi believe people should solve conflicts?



6.    Name 2 other significant leaders who believed in non-violent protest (civil disobedience)


7     Why was Gandhi assassinated?



8     Why did the British colonize India?




9     What do the Vedas and the Bible have in common?



10   Describe Hinduism.



11    What is the Caste System?



12. What is the lowest part of the Caste System called why are they called this?


13. Explain reincarnation.



14. How does geography impact the way people live in India?



      15.  Explain the meaning of arable land.



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